The „Ears&Wind Records“ label operates on purely underground principle, releasing records that are not funded by any grants. Titles on which we participate are created as samizdat activities. While others only act as independent, sometimes even underground labels, we really are independent, and we use the term „Underground“ not as a trade-mark, but as an intimate, personal view of life itself. Although formed on a shoestring, the creation process of our records is professional – from mastering to cover design and manufacturing of media. We co-operate with major Czech underground label Klikotoč, also with „Šot a Anne“ publishing, and recording studio Chlív. We thus have access to archives dating back to the early seventies, as well as professional recording studio for present authors.
Our first publishing activity – sampler from the Krákor festival – was done in 2002, and it is this very festival, involuntarily wandering these days, that is closely connected with „Ears&Wind Records“ from time immemorial. Musicians across genres perform at the festival, and many of them released records on our label.
Publishing activity of Ears & Wind Records continuously followed the creative line started under the auspices of the „Sopel tzv. productions“, which was originally unofficial association of friends organizing concerts and festivals, later to spontaneously fester into civic association. Since 2006 we use current name for our publishing. The name „Ears&Wind Records“ was inspired by the dream of poet Jaroslav Erik Frič, in which he became an owner of a vinyl records label.
Since the very beginning of our publishing activities, we deal exclusively with non-commercial culture, and map the music „outside the boards that mean the world.“ We have issued a number of samplers, live and studio recordings, most of which are also to be heard on the airwaves of „Incendiary radio Dráťák“. With a little bit of luck, a lot of new ones will see the light of day.
Besides music publishing, we organize concerts and festivals. Our biggest and most enduring festival taking interest in marginal culture is Krákor, other projects being UnderCurrents („Spodní proudy“), and an in-club festival Homér’s Memorial – in memory of the deceased Brno poet Pavel Homér Ambrož.
„Ears&Wind Records“ label now has a significant representation in the Slovak Republic, and branches in Germany, USA and Iceland.
Translated by Pavel Babinec